The 2012 PHUNT was held on Sat Jan 7 in near perfect weather for the date with a clear sky, light breeze, temps at 45 at start and up to low 50's by afternoon finish. While the ground was a bit soft there was only a minor amount of mud and quite a contrast to the 2011 event. Phil Nissen (the PH of PHUNT) made the trek from his new locale in Florida to chaperone and run it for one of his few opportunities to do that in last years. Over 250 came out for the combined 25 & 50K events with a new 2 loop 50k which worked well thanks to course design by Pete.
Volunteers as always made a big difference and special thanks goes to Margie, Karen Marshall and especially Jim Sullivan who did yeomans share of course marking. The Runabunadance Food donation equaled 2011's with 1000lbs collected. Alex Osterneck did great job helping to facilitate Runabundance again.
Pictures include those courtesy of Jeff Hinte who also ran.
Results for those who signed out are complete.