Coming in early January...

Saturday, January 7, 2012 at 9 am
Fair Hill Natural Resource Area
South Appleton Parking Lot
2000 Appleton Road, Elkton, MD
Oh No! Those slobberin' TrailDawgs are puttin' on another Dead-of-Winter 50K PHUNT Run.
With Special TrailDawg Guest "Phlorida Phil" Nissen!
Due to parking, organizing and park impact concern sign-up is limited to 300 this year. We're almost full!
Due to parking, organizing and park impact concern sign-up is limited to 300 this year. We're almost full!
Current Entrants
2012 Map
Pictures from 2011
If you're the sort of person who will truly enjoy a frigid foolish 31+ mile nature jaunt, come on our for an unofficial, unsanctioned, unapproved trail run at Maryland's Fair Hill Natural Management Area. Standard Fat-Ass format: No Fee, No Frills, No Wimps, No Whining! Orientation at 8:45 AM, race start at 9:00. The course is a two-loop 50K* this year -- or, choose one loop for 25K. Only want to do 10K? We may not mark that but we'll tell you how (it's easy).
We'll be running mostly on hilly single-track trail with a few tiny babbling brooks to cross, and just a teensy bit of rocky stuff to satisfy the trail-running purist. We haven't precisely measured the distance, but it's 95% trail with something like 3,000 ft. of aggregate vertical climb and has some super views! This run is meant for experienced trail runners, but anyone with marathon experience who wants to try an ultra and promises not to whine if they get tired and dirty is welcome. You should be able to finish the 50K in no more than 7-1/2 hours to be done before dark.
We're collecting $0, zero, zip, nada. Pay nothing, expecting nothing. But... we will have snack/water refill stations. The course will be marked by tape, flags, spray chalk or some creative combination of the three. We may have maps and course instructions or may just let you get lost, depending on the RD's mood.
Again this year: The TD Runabundance for Philabundance Food Drive!
2012 Map
Pictures from 2011

We'll be running mostly on hilly single-track trail with a few tiny babbling brooks to cross, and just a teensy bit of rocky stuff to satisfy the trail-running purist. We haven't precisely measured the distance, but it's 95% trail with something like 3,000 ft. of aggregate vertical climb and has some super views! This run is meant for experienced trail runners, but anyone with marathon experience who wants to try an ultra and promises not to whine if they get tired and dirty is welcome. You should be able to finish the 50K in no more than 7-1/2 hours to be done before dark.
We're collecting $0, zero, zip, nada. Pay nothing, expecting nothing. But... we will have snack/water refill stations. The course will be marked by tape, flags, spray chalk or some creative combination of the three. We may have maps and course instructions or may just let you get lost, depending on the RD's mood.
Again this year: The TD Runabundance for Philabundance Food Drive!
The participant who donates the most food (canned goods, macaroni & cheese, breakfast cereals, no perishables) will be awarded a $50 gift-certificate to Trail Creek Outfitters.
Donations to defray our costs will be graciously accepted, with leftover monies donated to the Pack and park. All participants are encouraged to bring a snack item for the self-serve aid station or the post race feed.
Awards? Maybe some ice sculpture! We are planning to have post-race hot dogs, soup and other stuff at the finish or nearby, depending on the weather and who shows up.
(*Why 2 loops in 2012? Well, Phil is gone and we're too lazy to mark 31 miles of trail. Just kidding. Actually our normal one-loop course had some areas set off limits by the park due to hunting preparations.)
Need more info on the race? Contact RD Hunt Bartine at
One pre-run has been held: December 3rd, Saturday 9AM from Appleton South Parking Lot - hosted by Traildawg Jim S.; Total run estimated to be 14.3 miles (that's about 20 K). Water and Gatorade at 4.8 miles and 11.1 miles. Map and Turn by Turn Sheets. Parking fee is $3.00 for MD residents, $4.00 for non-residents.
No other pre-runs are pre-scheduled yet, but we may do something else on short notice on New Year's Eve (12/31) -- watch the TrailDawgs list
No other pre-runs are pre-scheduled yet, but we may do something else on short notice on New Year's Eve (12/31) -- watch the TrailDawgs list